Summer edition newsletter – Watch the profile interviews of our research members!
Special Summer Edition CENTRIC Newsletter
Watch the profile interviews of our research members!
All of them are now on our YouTube Channel!
Don’t know what to watch this summer? No worries!
Come watch our research members’ interviews about the CENTRIC project!
The CENTRIC project has prepared 7 interviews with consortium members from various work packages and different partners to explain to you the CENTRIC visions and objectives behind the sustainable AI-native Air-Interface for 6G networks we are developing!

Interview 1: Have a detailed overview of the CENTRIC project goals and advancements with our Technical Project Manager Assoc. Prof. Ramoni Adeogun from the Aalborg University in Denmark.

Interview 2: Listen to the double interview between Carles Navarro Manchon, WP 5 leader, and Alejandro Villena Rodriguez, both R&D engineers from Keysight Technologies Spain, working in the WP 5 focusing on AI Air Interface Testing and Validation.

Interview 3: Get to know the role of Nokia Bell Labs in CENTRIC with Alvaro Valcarce Rial, Research Engineer in Machine Learning and leader of the Work Package (WP) 4 on AI-AI Protocols and Radio Resource Management.

Interview 4: Learn more about the WP 4 AI-Air Interface protocols that the University of Oulu is implementing in CENTRIC use-cases with the Postdoctoral Researcher Septimia Sarbu.

Interview 5: Discover the role of NOKIA in the WP 3: AI-Air Interface Physical Layer Methods and the WP6: Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication, with Dr Amir Ahmadian Tehrani, a Senior Research Specialist at Nokia Standards Germany.

Interview 6: Watch Matteo Zecchin’s interview about the King’s Communications, Learning and Information Processing (kclip) lab research group focusing on digital communications, information theory, ML, optimization and signal processing research.

Interview 7: Listen to the Researcher Francesco Malandrino at the National Research of Council (CNR) of Italy affiliated entity to the CNIT about their role in the CENTRIC project research.
Read it in its original Summer édition Newsletter format here.
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